Roxal Alumina

Description: Roxal is a 325 mesh calcined alumina.

Roxal alumina

Roxal is a reclaimed Alumina which helps you lower your costs while benefiting the environment. It has some unique properties that make it ideal for use in phosphate bonded plastics, refractory brick and shapes.


    Typical Chemistry:

    • Al203: 98%
    • Si02: 1.5%

    Typical Uses:

    • Bonded Plastics
    • Refractory Bricks

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    Refractory Minerals Co., Inc.

    150 South  Jennersville Road

    West Grove, PA 19390

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    Contact  1 (800) 753-3204

    Receiving: (610) 869-3031

    Fax: (610) 869-9805

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